Thursday, July 16, 2009

Rebecca: Senior Portraits

I liked Rebecca the first time I met her. That was three years ago. She was a ninth grader, trying out for cross country, a sport she had never taken on before. No matter, she looked me in the eye, smiled her dimpled smile and shook my hand. Introduced herself. She oozed confidence. First impressions go a long way.

Over the years I've come to realize that with Rebecca, you get what you see. She's a beautiful person, inside and out. She has excelled in high school. She's an accomplished runner, one of the best King High has ever produced. She maintains a GPA that few others on campus have, and when the course gets tough, she digs in and works harder. She gets it.

I think one of the most attractive things about Rebecca though is her ability to set high goals and then implement the discipline to get after them. Ever since stepping foot on King High's campus, her goal has been to become a college athlete. Not just "go to college." Anyone can say that. No, she wants to compete in college. She wants to excell in college. She wants the whole thing. I believe she'll get it, too.

You might think such a hard-driving personality would be abrasive, wearing and tiring to be around. Just the opposite. Rebecca has a truly caring heart and sensitive spirit to those around her and is as kind and thoughtful as they come. Even in the most trying of times, (which I wrote about here), she has maintained her character; working hard at team play, stayin' honest, and never, never complain. She has legions of folks who respect her highly.

Needless to say I was delighted and honored to be asked to shoot her senior portraits. They'll be a keepsake for her and her family, and in another way, they'll be that for me too.

Here are a few of my favorites, I think you'll get a sense of who Rebecca is through them. Enjoy!

How has Rebecca impressed you? Leave a comment to let her know!


Anonymous said...

awww these are so beautiful!!! becca u are such a pretty friend inside and out like cp said n i'm so glad that i met you. Thanks for always bein there and lightening up my day

Jarod said...

Dang! becca can get some air!